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The Humble Beginnings of Reksa Sadaque's Newfound Fame

Writer's picture: D'rake TiaD'rake Tia

Eorzeans crowd their local market boards with varying expectations. Some seek to sell the right product that will make them rich. Others stop by to see the latest fashionable trends. Some will browse the posted listings for services in need or provided. Rarely does anyone foresee a magical exchange that will change their life. After her surprise debut in the Fourth Umbral Moon edition of Glamour Kitties this year, Reksa Sadaque has been regularly featured across publications in modeling and fashion industries, but she remains just as mysterious as when she started.


“I honestly still don’t completely know what to do with [modeling] but I’m on call with the magazine whenever they need me,” Reksa clarified as she spoke about how she got started. Initially, she was the one doing the shopping. After reading a flyer in the Limsa Lominsa shopping district, she sought out the photography services of one Melodi Shadoweaver—founder of the Glamour Kitties monthly magazine. However, the price Reksa had to pay was abnormal to say the least. She simply had to come back. She was born to be in front of the camera. Countless men and women dream of such luck, yet only a humble graciousness filled the air of the room.


Reksa Sadaque is far more a part of the relatable working class than she seems. She still works more than one job and is undecided if modeling is even the right career for her. Some might call her crazy, but she expresses how making a living wage and being open-minded takes precedence for her above all else.  “I guess, I kind of just jump on whatever opportunities I can. As far as modelling full time... if it made sense, I wouldn't mind it. Being popular isn't something I really aspire to.”

Despite the honor of having her pictures published for all Eorzeans to see, Reksa herself was still reluctant to actually call herself a model. It was somewhat charming to see her fidget at the thought, but The Harbor Herald confirmed Melodi Shadoweaver considers Reksa to be one of her models. Not that Reksa works for the publication strictly; she’s on call as needed via Shadoweaver’s various connections. Otherwise, as The Harbor Herald did, Reksa can likely be found working at her other jobs—such as at the Orthos night club.


Reksa was clear that so much attention does not exclusively come with benefits. Being noticed at such a high level comes with an assortment of challenges. There can be work and people that test the best of us. However, despite some rough times, Reksa still believes the world has an inherent benevolence in it and she wants to see it for herself. It’s her driving motivation to keep going, continually try new things, and never sit still in one spot for too long.


“I'm just happy to have the support of the fans that I do have. If more come, I think I'd also end up still doing some other things on the side. There's just so much of the world to see,” she added as she discussed her plans for the future.


If Reksa gets people’s attention along the way, just knowing she has their support is enough for her. Developing trust and new friendships over mere accolades ensures a matter of quality over quantity in her relationships with the others surrounding her. Such modesty is a rarity to come by. Fame isn’t for everyone, and it’s not unheard of for celebrities to go quiet overnight. But if you’re interested in the talent of Reksa Sadaque, you’d best hurry. You never know what she might do next.

Reksa Sadaque reminices on her past during her interview in the Orthos speakeasy. Despite claiming to be no one special, she is living proof that endurance produces results for any common person to achieve their biggest dreams.

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